
Puppy Buying Guide

June 18, 2019

Please find below a guide on what to be aware of when buying a puppy. This information has kindly been provided by the RSPCA.

Thinking of getting a puppy? Make sure you know where your puppy comes from.

Buying a puppy is not as simple as you may think. Sadly, not all puppy breeders and sellers are reputable.

There is a dark side to the trade – puppy trafficking. This is where puppies are bred in large numbers for profit, often with little regard for animal welfare. Many puppies fall sick and some die.

To avoid getting caught out by the puppy traffickers, here’s some simple steps you can take:

Always see a puppy with its mother

You should always see a puppy with its mother in the place where the puppy was bred. Ideally you should see the father too, or at least a photo of him. If the breeder cannot show you the mother or father, you should be suspicious.

Find out about the puppy’s background

Get as much information as possible about where the puppy has come from, and beware if the breeder is from outside the UK.

Has the puppy REALLY been vaccinated?

If you are told the puppy has been vaccinated, ask to see the vaccination card. Beware that vaccination cards are easy to fake – if the veterinary surgeon’s contact details are not visible, or has an address from outside the UK, the card may be fake.

Pedigree certificates are not a guarantee

Bear in mind that pedigree certificates are not a guarantee for the condition of your puppy, and may not even mean you are being sold a pure-bred dog.

Always see a puppy in the place it was bred

Don’t ever buy from someone who offers to deliver your puppy, or who arranges to meet you somewhere.

Concerned about the welfare of a puppy?

Never buy a puppy just because you feel sorry for it. If you are concerned about the health or welfare of a puppy, please contact the RSPCA 24-hour cruelty and advice line: xxx.

What to do if things go wrong?

If you have concerns about the way your puppy has been sold, visit Consumer Direct () who will be able to give you advice and, where appropriate, pass details on to your local Trading Standards Service for investigation.

For more information about buying a puppy visit the RSPCA’s website: